Random bird question: How does your medium/large bird feel about little birds (finches)?
It's a pretty self-explanatory question. How do your small (or large) parrots feel about finches? Just wondering because our Green Cheek Conure at my work LOOOOOVES finches. Usually our conures just ignore them or shoot them dirty looks, but Chico absolutely adores them. It's strange. Does anyone else have a conure or parrot who actually likes small birds?
Well, yeah, I'm not mixing them. He just likes to hang on the outside of the finch cages and chatters like crazy and bobs his head at them. Sometimes he just sits quietly near the nests and silently watches the canaries and society finches taking care of their eggs. He climbed in the cage once but I told him, "You can't go in there; you'll scare the 'babies'," (what I call the small birds to him) and he hasn't tried to since then.