If ur question is put into voting, how many votes does an answer have to receive b4 best answer is picked?


Favorite Answer

Its not the number of votes, its the answer that gets the highest percentage of votes after 3 days. If there is a tie, then voting continues until one answer gains over another


It depends how many answers there are and how many people vote. After the number of days for voting, the answer with the most votes gets Best Answer. Sometimes it is tied at 0 if no body voted, then it takes only one vote to break the tie. If it ties with a number of answers getting 1 vote each, then you need one of those to get an extra vote.


All it takes is one vote. The Best Answer is determined by the answer that gets the most votes whether it's one vote out of one or 10 votes out of 19 cast.

The original voting period is 2 days. If no answer has a majority of the votes at that time, the question goes into Tie-breaker mode where it remains until an answers gets a majority of the votes.


♫Di [Pro-Love, Anti-Hate]♫2010-02-21T16:56:27Z


It depends on the percentage of votes, not the number of the votes. The answer could have 100 percent or less (depends if their answer has been voted as the best answer or not) to win. It can end as a tiebreaker when the answer(s) has the same percentage to have the best answer. Someone can end it by choosing the best answer that has a tiebreaker.


It's by simple majority If u get 51%u get it