Why does notebook paper have 5 holes when binders have 3 rings?

I live in the US. Standard notebook filler paper is 8.5 inches by 11 inches and has either 3 holes, or more often, 5 holes. I have never seen a binder that used the other 2 holes. What are they for? Where are these mysterious binders that use them?

This is just something that I have always wondered about.


Favorite Answer

i bet its to adjust the height of the notebook in the binder because if u have a 5 ringed binder ur gonna need some paper with 5 holes and how many of those have you seen(apart from the notebook).


I have seven major subjects and three electives, and here's what I do. :) Get notebooks for all the important subject. I'm not really sure if you need a notebook for Art Appreciation but get individual notebooks for each. I don't like filler notebooks because once you finish the paper, you have to get a new one and you might misplace some of them if not the whole notebook. So get individual notebooks for each, maybe 50 leaves will do, depends on your handwriting :) And then, YES, invest in a good planner. I made my own planner and it was really fun because I got to design in and draw the lines for it and it has not only been a good TTD list for me, it also has sentimental value. But you can buy one too if you like, but yes, you definitely NEED a planner. I'm a junior this year and I've been using the same binder since 7th grade. Every semester, I just throw out papers I don't need anymore so I use the same thing to save money. Just make sure you keep the important papers your teacher tells you to. Get a binder with 9-10 pockets so you have space to put paper, circulars, or whatevers aside from the papers or quizzes your teachers in those seven different subjects will give you. The most important thing really, is the binder and the planner. Don't overthink high school :)