On the home security ads on TV why are only Whites shown breaking into a home?
Is Political Corrections so powerful or don't blacks, brown and red people break into homes?
Is Political Corrections so powerful or don't blacks, brown and red people break into homes?
True Patriot
Favorite Answer
Because whites are the only ones that don't have a lobbying group or advocacy group that will start raising hell about the commercial being racist. The companies save a lot of money not having to defend themselves this way.
The Arbiter of common sense
It's just to avoid perpetuating a stereotype. Of course other people break into homes, but by using the group considered least likely, the don't extend any stereotypes.
The first answerer may be correct, hopefully the company just hires actors not thinking about race, but probably not.
Everyone just needs to drop the race issue period, on both sides. Learn from past mistakes and make it a truly color blind world. Unfortunatly that will probably never happen.
If a black was shown the NAACP would be calling racism. al sharpton and Jesse Jackson would probably start a boycott. Black people would probally be rioting in the streets