I have a problem.. (girls only please)?

Ok, so I missed my period this month, and I'm not even having the normal backaches that I have before I start it. Should I be worried about this?


Favorite Answer

Assuming that you are not sexually active and are still pretty young - probably no worries. Young women classically deal with irregular periods during their teens and early twenties. So long as you are not having any other symptom or problem, don't worry.

Now if you are sexually active and are NOTusing maximum effectivness birth control (the pill, etc... ie not just using condoms or rhythm methods), then you do have to consider the possibility that you might be pregnant.

John Jones, MD
(hope you give me a pass on girls only - gynecology has been my business for 25+ years)


If you are sure you are not pregnant, you don't need to worry yet. Missed periods are a part of life caused by many things. If you don't get it next month, you may want to see a doctor.


Age? Sexually active? On birth control? Healthy? How long have you had your periods? Are you usually irregular or regular?

Really we need more information, we can't just guess.

Its either you just started and will be irregular, or you still are irregular, or it could be a health issue.


Thats normal! If you have sstarted you periods like.. say a year or 2 ago they still could bbe irregualar so theresnothing to wory about..

Or you could be pregnant?


OMG, I missed mine to this month.. :/