I entered one of my cats on CutestPetContest.com and received an email that she made it to the semi-finals...?

Even if I'm sure there are many other pets accepted as well, but do I actually have a chance of winning an actual money price ($1000 it claims), or is it just another scam to buy the book that my cat is supposed to be featured in? (that's what happened when i entered the contest on poetry.com)

charles 22010-02-27T15:43:45Z

Favorite Answer

scam,check the companies info online.no past winners.enter AFV instead ditays


It's a scam to buy the book.

I'm not sure if the contest is real- it may well be- but it's mainly a sales pitch to buy the book- the same idea as the photography/poetry contest and books floating around out there.


Just google 'cutest pet contest scam' for more details, different forums have different ideas.


The main points are-

1.) Everyone who enters becomes a 'semi finalist'.

2.) The books are made but are poor quality and are only offered to the people who enter the contest (so it's not like the book will be on public or even online sale).

3.) A couple of months after you've bought the piece of rubbish book, they'll email you saying you've won some money/award and try and charge you a lot of money to send said award/money- which, obviously, never comes.


Ohhh Jenn. Jenn, Jenn, Jenn.
One way or another they are trying to get money out of your pocket and into theirs. There is no prize money in this scam. Just your money (and that of any other semi-finalists) and it won't be paid out, just in.
I'm sure you cat is beautiful and a wonderful companion, but don't waste any money on this type of contest.


It looks like a scam. Go look at the "previous winners section" lol. Anything with those giant checks is normally fake