PS3 bug will I lose data?

I haven't used my PS3 in a while, but decided since I had plenty of spare time today that I would pop in a game. The date said 12/31/999. I DID NOT attempt to change it or play online. I DID sve my seemed to work fine. I just read the warning Sony issued about the bug with lost trophies and at worst saved games. Because I turned my PS3 and played today, am I @ high risk for losing my saved game data for any game, including the one that I played (NHL 09)?


Favorite Answer

No, it just means you won't get any trophies. If you want trophies than you have to make a new NHL 09 account.


Probably not, the bug seems to be just targeting people trying sign in to PSN and playing some newer games like Heavy rain.

Losing your saved data is unlikely however Sony Has said they are working on a fix that should be ready within the next 24 hours (less now) and that they highly recommend owners not to turn on their PS3's to be safe.

Hopefully Sony fixes it and no damage is caused. But I think your saved games should be fine :)


Bug is now fixed you are safe too go. You won't loose trophies, you'll just not get the one you earned while the bug is still there. The bug was a leap year bug. (even though its not a leap year).


Google it.