Why do people CONTINUE to fish for bass?

Robert played us like a fish.
l vote for him as our resident troll.
l sure didn't see that coming.
fortunately, he picked a best answer before l got my response entered.

a big gold star to him.

thumbs and HAHAHAHA on all of us monkeys.


GMB, l think you're right. at this point it looks like you and Pheasant Tail are the only other ones.

poor charlie. still didn't see the joke.

and Robert... if you're out there, congratulations with catching all of us with our pants down.
now, just don't do it again!

Grand Master BasserĀ®2010-03-03T23:38:08Z

Favorite Answer

Nobody got it, apparently.


I think a lot of people ,but not all ,fish for bass because they are arrogant, unpatient a$$holes. They are easy to catch for the most part and it easily keep sthem occupied. Some people just have a passion for it though and are good decent people that respect other fisherman.

The A$$hole type i was speaking of are the ones that fish on top of you, darn near casting in your boat and then take off full throttle leaving you a huge wake.



I dont understand that either its one thing to say bass are easy but another to call others dumb. I believe he probably pays 20 bucks or so to catch bass at the hatchery. If he wants a challenge he should go fish for anchovies with a 2/0 hook


They continue to fish for bass because they don't know how much fun it is to catch panfish on ultralight tackle. Panfish are filet mignon and bass are, well, bass.


because bass are the only game fish i have in my pond plus their really fun to catch

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