I'm 23yrs old and I'm starting to take vitamins. I can't exactly go to the doctor right know. does anyone know if this is ok:
Calcium: 2-3 times daily (I rarely drink milk) Vitamin D3: once a day Omega-3: 2 times a day Ginko Biloba: 2 times a day Folic Acid: once a day
I try to eat as healthy a possible but my schedule makes it a little difficult I also try to exercise at least twice a week. My fiance and I would like to have children in the future and I hear you should start taking Folic Acid once you are at Child Bearing age.
Any Help?
BTW: I am very careful and try not to overdo the doses on ly the recommended about. I rather eat fruits and vegatables, but like I said it is a little difficult right now
Favorite Answer
a multi with iron is all you need. many of those things are in that. take calcium citrate with vitamin D as a recommended dosage. the omega 3 is good. don,t fall into the trap of believing you need mega doses of supplements. this can be harmful. i have a friend that believes the approx. 35 separate things she takes daily are going to keep her healthy. she,s been to the ER twice with overdosing issues with otc supplements.
I have to agree with David. A good multi-vitamin (with or without iron) is really all that you need. Not only that, but you probably don't need to take them everyday either - probably 2-3x a week would be fine.
Be careful with excesses of vitamins A & D as they are not water soluble and you will not pass any excess, but can actually overdose on them. Vitamins B, C and E are water soluble and taking excesses will just lead to expensive, yellow, strong smelling urine.
The Omega-3's and Ginko are probably not doing anything for you (except making you poorer).
Vitamin supplements are one thing - and again, I think people overdo vitamins, but herbals really scare me. They are promoted as ways to address certain health conditions or issues, but have never been tested to FDA (Food & Drug Administration) standards. The compositions are not consistent and they not necessarily good for you.
Folic acid is a good supplement to take. Many women are deficient in it. A lack of folic acid early in pregnancy can lead to a fetus (infant) with neural tube defects (the most common of which is spina bifida). You really only need to supplement folic acid a few months before trying to conceive. If you aren't actively preventing, then taking folic acid supplements makes a lot of sense.