where can i find adult footed pjs?

I am doing a play at school, and I need an adult sized footed pjs. I dont want to spend over 30 dollars because I will only e wearing it one time.


Favorite Answer

They have adult babygrows in primark for £8.00 and ive seen them on ebay too if you cant get to a store, i was bought one the other week for a fancy dress night and there in sizes from 8 to 20. hope this helps.


LOL, the exact same thing happened with my daughter when she was around 2. I personally wouldn't push it, as it hardly will hurt her to wear footsie pjs. It's like a security blanket for her. Also, I've noticed little ones to be very routine oriented, and they don't like change. I'm sure she'll outgrow this stage (and move onto another one!!) soon enough. I would'nt worry much. My daughter only pulled that on us for a couple of months, then just abruptly changed her mind.


they have womens ones at walmart for 18.00

