Just purchased a laptop, would love some tips on how to care for it properly?

So this past weekend i went and purchased a laptop. Now i know the basics, don't let it get hot, don't bang it about and all that.

What kind of things do you all do to keep your laptop in good working order? Such as how long to stay on it before giving it a rest, and how often should i scan it for viruses? Any tips would be great.


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I've been using a Toshiba Satellite A135 S4499 nearly 24/7 for the past three years. The only issue I'm currently experiencing is my fan making noise. At some point in time, I will have to get it replaced whenever I get around to opening up the laptop.

1. Make sure any vents are not blocked. Although it won't destroy your computer, it will cause it to shut off due to safety features which keep a laptop from overheating too much. Overheating could still cause damage to the computer though so just don't block the vents. That also means don't set your laptop on soft surfaces like your bed.

2. If there are vents, make sure they are kept clean. Use an air duster to clean out any dust once a week. Make sure you use the air duster properly; that means using short bursts. Holding down the trigger on an air duster will cause the gas inside to become extremely cold and remain in liquid form when it leaves the can. Liquid inside of your laptop is a bad thing.

3. Scanning for virii is like looking both ways while crossing the street after you've already been hit by a car. Use a good virus scanner that provides real-time protection so that it catches virii BEFORE they have a chance to install itself onto your computer. Once a virus gets itself onto your computer, getting rid of it can be real hassle even with a good AV program.

4. Windows Vista and Windows 7 both defrag your computer when it is one and has not been used for an extended period of time. Using a defragger is unnecessary and redundant.

5. Buy a lint-free or micro-fiber cloth to clean your laptop screen, be very careful while doing this. To cut down on weight, laptops do not have a glass LCD. You can easily damage your screen if you press down hard while cleaning. Don't use an alcohol- or ammonia-based liquid screen, they will slightly dissolve the coating on the screen over time.

6. If you take it anywhere with you, DO NOT LEAVE IT ALONE. Laptops are popular to steal and are actually quite easy to steal. Think about how much money you spent on it and how you would feel if it were stolen.


1. Don't leave it on 24/7
2. Keep it in a place where it has enough room to breathe for the vents
3. Run disk cleanup once a week
4. Run disk defrag every couple of months
5. Run viurs scans once a week
6. Run spyware scans once a week
7. Do not use p2p or torrernts. Your computer will get infected.


Don't leave it somehwere you think its hidden like some people put it in the bottom of a drawr or something, buy a nice case or backpack to put it in if your in college, but make sure to have a hard case to put it in when not going to school with it, and buy a lock to lock it shut.


1. buy a case
2. use soft cloth to clean it
3. don't put any food close to it
4. don't download stuff your not sure off
5. buy an anti virus disc
6. to be honest do not open x-rated sites (virus sometimes)
7. twice a month is good for virus scanning
8. you can use it as long as you want but make sure to give a space for it to breath
9. d not keep it on if your out for a day