How do you get your original birth certificate?

I don't have my daughters OBC's. The parents would not let us make copies, so all we have are the amended ones.
Can WE get the originals for the girls or do they have to do it when they turn 18? Can they even get them at 18?

We adopted both girls after fostering them for 2 years. I am sure the social workers would have this answer, but I thought I would ask here since I don't need them immediately. The girls are only 4 and 3 and don't need any documents right now- I would just like to have them for the future.



We do have their birth records thank goodness. My oldest is my niece and my youngest is her half sister... so I know who the mother is and am in contact with the family.

I checked the website and found Maine, but it looks like the adoptee has to be 18 to get it. But they CAN get it!!

Maybe I should ask the social worker too!


Favorite Answer

Hi kennebunklmt

Birth certificates are held by the state. Your foster care worker should have seen fit to ensure you had copies prior to the adoption and should have told you that it would have been your last chance. It's so unfortunate for your daughters that their social workers didn't think of their identities.

As far as if you or they can get them, that depends on the state where the adoption took place. You can go to this page

and click on the state of the adoption to find out what the laws are.

And I hope you'll support us in our work for your daughter's rights as well!


Ha. I just... asked for them. :-)

We talked to our worker last week, and I said I wanted a copy of their original birth certificates if I could get them...she said she'd never been asked that before, and she'd look into it...Our kids are technically two different statuses, and not yet adopted (we are still fostering them)...She told us we could definitely have our daughter's and she would see about getting us our son's.

They can get them at 18, but on the off chance they want them before that, I wanted to have them. We do get all their birth records, though.


It depends on where you live. In some states they can never see them.