Can you be claimed by your parents if you're married?

A question that was brought to my attention recently that I don't know the answer to. Can you be married and still be claimed by your parents? I'm not sure if it's possible, and if it is, what conditions surround it?


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If the couple are living with parents and neither person is working (parents are supporting them) I don't see why not. If the couple are filing income tax then parents could find themselves in hot water.


Angel_Mom of 2 Pretty Girls2010-03-10T12:12:32Z

No, once you are married you must file as married separate or married joint and that automatically counts each of you as dependents on whatever marital income was received in the prior year.


the only way you can be claimed by your parent is if you are willing

and only after death you can be claimed by someone

Disco Stu2010-03-10T11:44:36Z

For tax purposes? No.

Defender Of The Yahoo Faith2010-03-10T11:42:56Z


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