What do you think about the Pros and Cons of Teacher Unions?
I am wanting feedback about Teacher Unions and their Pros and Cons in the USA.
I am wanting feedback about Teacher Unions and their Pros and Cons in the USA.
Favorite Answer
Pro - from the teacher's perspective: harder to get fired as a teacher, higher pay
Con - from everyone else's perspective: harder to get fired as a teacher
A lack of merit pay, good teachers deserve to be payed more. In our State the Union setup a health insurance racket that they used to bilk hundred of thousands of dollars from the tax payers. There was no competition allowed in their contracts which allowed them to charge high insurance rates to them selves. Seeing the teachers didn't pay any on their premiums the tax payers payed one and a half times the normal rate. When teacher Unions become powerful they can influence political elections, then they can bargain with people they put in power. Unions pay big amounts of money to get a politician elected and the politician hands over big juice contracts. Union dues are taken out of pay checks automatically, the teacher has no say if they want to be in the Union. This money is then used by the Union bosses in any way they wish regardless of the teachers approval.
barbara c
Pros - provide collective bargaining to ensure the best possible work conditions; ensure that teachers are treated fairly by administration.
Contrary to popular opinion, unions don't protect bad teachers - they just make sure that due process is used to dismiss them and that it is not done arbitrarily.
i like unions been a member of 1 since 1990. Unions get there members the best hourly rate they can