How much is your "right" to health care worth?
If health care is a right, then it can't be denied right? But what if the cure costs $100,000? What if it costs $1,000,000? What if it costs $1,000,000,000 (1 billion)? It is a "right", so your fellow man MUST provide it to you no matter the cost, right? After all, if it is a right, you can't put a limit on it. Just like you can't say you have a right to free speech, but can only say 1,000 words; or you have a right to life but can only live 60 years. If it is a right, then it is unlimited. Even if it costs $1 trillion to save 1 life, we must pay because it is a "right", right?
Or is health care a service and not a right? Is it a commodity that you can purchase as long as you can afford the price? If it is not a right, then how can you force another person to pay for it? If you walk into a grocery store and steal food at gun point because you can't afford it, isn't that a crime? So then if you can't afford your cancer treatment and steal the money to pay for it from somebody else, isn't that a crime? Does being hungry or sick, justify anything and everything? Are the victims not victims anymore because you are hungry or sick? Doesn't the good of the many outweigh the good of the individual? So how can you harm the entire community by stealing their rights and property to save 1 person?
So which is it? Is health care a right, and therefore we can not deny it to any person, even if it costs every sinlge penny of the entire community? Or is health care a service like any other that you alone are responsible for; and it would be unjust to harm the community to get it for yourself?