Can to alter a small dress to be a lil bigger?

Ok so my girlfriend bought a wedding dress online, we're getting married in vegas on the 3th of next month. so she got the dress today and tried it on and it wouldn't zip all the way. It needed like about 3 inch. I helped her zip it up and it looked like it fits really good from her Waist but not her chest. She has big ones and they looked like they were ready to pop out. My question was, can you Alter a dress at the chest if its to small. it looks like it only needs to be open up like a 1/2 an inch


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Hi, it's possible to alter the bust part 1-2 inches. And you know, tailors always leaves about 2 inches for sewing allowance. But for safe, I've liks suggest just change the zipper back into lace up back. It's easy.
Hope it would be help. Suggest from Coral's Bridal


Altering a bigger dress is easier because you have more fabric to work with. To alter a smaller dress, you need to be sure the fabric allowance in the seams is big enough. Too many off-the-rack dresses like that don't have much of a seam allowance and you won't be able to let it out enough. You will also have to find fabric that matches and a way to make the patches invisible. Sorry to say! Maybe someone else can wear the smaller dress, or your cousin will reimburse you for having to buy a second one? Also, you can do alterations on a bigger dress which can be reversed or let out as your daughter grows, in case you want to keep the dress for "good" until she outgrows it. For example, a narrow sash can snug it in for now, get let out later.