What are strong points to bring up as a candidate for a local school board?

I am wanting to run for local shcool board in Arizona and as I am not a parent I would love to hear from you, the reader, what you believe would be strong topics to support as a Democratic Candidate. I am still learning about politics and want very much to make a great impression in support of local area children and our future. Thank you!!!


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1.A clean record-no offenses that could be mud slinging in your eye, even old dirt could be mixed with water.
Then, the time spent in this area, community involvement, including coaching, volunteer work etc.
Your current line of employmnet may be a useful to expound on. Depending on your expertise, that could improve your chances. I don't think it matters that you are not a parent. Desire to be of service is key here.Good luck and best wishes to you.