Why do perspective E-7's in the Army not know where to go to get promotion information?

Seriously, I've seen so many questions on here about this. You don't see the other branches doing this. And from the answers I've seen, the process is basically the same. You are given a cut off date for testing and boards, you know when the board meets, and you know approximately when the release date is for selects. Do they not post this info on the army website anywhere? How do the folks up for promotion not know this info, especially since they are on the verge of becoming SNCO's??

Just wondering.......


I understand changing board dates, but the guys still always know the release dates even when they do change.


Favorite Answer

its hard to say why but some times the board does change dates also
also their would have to be an open slot


Board dates are announced ahead of time, but the timing of the publishing of the list of who's actually been selected varies.

Honestly, the Army Times usually carries the information before the Army gets around to putting it out officially.

It's not completely crazy to ask around here.


cause their prospective e7's and not actual e7's. so their probably effn half time retards.