What is an expired warrant?

Heard the term mentioned today.


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if you get a warrant the police have a certain amount of time to act on it. if said warrant is left alone after the "expiration date", they cant do anything.

STEVEN F2010-03-24T17:07:12Z

A warranty, aka promise the item won't break, expires after a certain time. A warrant (note: no 'y') does not expire. It remains valid until withdrawn.


Whenever you buy somthing like an iphone/PC for example, it will have a warrent

so if you have a two year warrent and it breaks (not by u physicly breaking it) you will get ur $ back/ get another one. If it expires, then if it breaks your not going to get anything back from the company

EDIT: it expires by going OVER the warrent, so if you have a 2 year warrent and it breaks exactly 2 years and 1 day after you got that warrent, tough luck. Also it expires by modding and tampering with it (eg jail breaking and iphone cancells your warrent)