What time should i get to a Lady Gaga concert with general admission?
It starts at 8:00pm, how early would I have to start waiting online to get front row?
It starts at 8:00pm, how early would I have to start waiting online to get front row?
Favorite Answer
I will legit go crazy if someone tries to cut me in the front of the line. HECK no. I'll shove them out of line if I don't have enough time to tell someone. So don't cut. Get there early or be in the back. I'm going 1-2 days early ^_^
Unless you got the "Little Monster Ball" package, you won't be at the very front because they are reserved for those who got the package... Also, they get early admission.... That's the one I got.... Maybe get there at least at 5 if you really want to be close.
crazy fans are willing to wait even a day before the event.
i suggest you going now and camping outside of the venue!!! But rmemeber...you can always wiggle your way to the front.