Ten percent tax on tanning salon visits?
to begin on July 1st. Who will be next when the tanning salons go away as the luxury boat industry did when Carter imposed the luxury tax?
to begin on July 1st. Who will be next when the tanning salons go away as the luxury boat industry did when Carter imposed the luxury tax?
Favorite Answer
When you turn over your freedoms to government, they will start telling you how to live your life; punish you for doing what they decide is bad and rewarding you, for doing what they advocate.
Liberals believe they should decide what is best for everyone, get used to it, they are just getting started.
Well, you might think liberals will all get voted out but think again. The liberal news media shows liberals favorably and capitalists negatively, day in and day out, every day. The entertainment industry will demonize capitalists, in movies, jokes from late night hacks, the TV people try to create the perception that all of America sides with them. When Letterman or Leno ridicule Palin for being inexperienced, its unheard of for them to consider Obama is just as inexperienced as Palin.
Liberals are doing all the things they swore they would not do, I am only surprised that we have let them!
Gosh.....tanning salons are going away. Now what? Sun tans?
Those darn liberals.
Jimmy, taxed the luxury boat industry away?
Those darn christian peanut farmers.
I am really angry.
Anchors Aweigh
Well, the next tax will be something that you and I regularly purchase that the president's race does not. We can only guess at this point. Remember to vote in all of your local and especially federal elections.
It is a racist and sexist tax.
The overwhelming majority of tanning salon users are Whites, And women and homosexual males are the biggest users.
So this tax is Anti-White, Anti-Women, and Anti-Gay.
Good Job, Democrats!
I'm thinking the next one will be a sugar tax.