Is it true, doctors are the third leading cause of death after heart-attack and cancer in USA,?

Statistics places 250000 deaths per year. Source JAMA


Rhianna yes it is repetition because even now the answer as gone into
voting mode without me giving okay.
Face it you and your ilks are scared to
face the truth therefore you arranged to
delete the answers of the two previous
persons and only your answer stands
on this forum. I do not want to mess up
with you lady. Just go and mind your
patients. Truth is harder to face and
accept it.


skepdoc:Read my reply to rhianna which
applies to you too. You should clean your
spects before ranting, i guess that is the
natural reaction to the steamy fog
generated by fear of facing the truth.


Favorite Answer

It wouldn't surprise me they nearly killed me I have photographic evidence and all the paperwork maybe I will write a small book about my experience.


Wow. That's like Republican math there. Even if 100,000 people per year died from medical errors (that is all sources, not just doctors), you fail to account for the hundreds of thousands of people, every year, who are saved by caring, intelligent, competent, sometimes brilliant doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals doing their jobs correctly. Go back and recalculate now.


No. You asked this question before, did you have problems understanding the first time around? Or is this another attempt at Doctor bashing in a different category?

I'll just repeat my last answer...

It's fallacious to list the negatives, without listing the benefits. You have to include the denominator. How many people owe their lives to conventional medicine? It's automatic question FAIL to start with. But I'll bite..

Even with the Iatrogenic damage, you need to take into account those who would have died without medical treatment anyway, and it's easy for the quacks to manipulate data.
Example: If an insulin dependant diabetic dies from hypoglycemia, this is technically a drug related death. However, without insulin, a type 1 diabetic would die anyway.

It is fallacious to use this reason to ignore conventional medicine and turn to AltMed, the majority of which has never been demonstrated to alter the course of any disease.

The report which your accusation is based on is TEN years old and has been widely misreported ever since. If you look at the numbers carefully, iatrogenic errors were way down the list even back then. Since then there has been progress by the medical profession to reduce the instances of medical error.

The problem with you is that you lack the ability to think critically and logically. So you will take any piece of information, figures, data, etc and accept it at face value without really thinking about it.

And to reiterate again, none of this makes AltMed any more plausible. Human error does not equate to conventional medicine fail.

So, Question FAIL....again.

TIP: before you post again, address the logical fallacy problems and find some current data, then we'll have another look.

SkepDoc 3.02010-03-27T11:09:32Z

Not sure why you are posting the same question you posted in Alt Med in the Cancer section...other than to spread misinformation, mistrust and fear. Didn't like the echo chamber answer you selected there??
Rhianna has given you a very solid and concise answer on everything that is wrong with your statement. I have little to ad. (Good one Rhi !!)

The JAMA article you cited is a decade old, and there have been numerous critiques of their methodology. Deaths directly attributable to physician error even in that report are about 1/10 of what you imply they are.

AltMed does not keep any statistics on THEIR we have to do that for you as well. There is no official count, but keeps a list just based on public knowledge such as newspaper articles and obituaries etc. There have been estimates that worldwide, the reliance on traditional healing practices is responsible for many millions of preventable deaths.(lack of clean water, lack of vaccination,lack of access to modern medicine etc)

I'll say it can't quote this number, without making reference to the millions who are helped by modern medicine who would otherwise be dead. And even if we accept your number as valid (which it isn't) it does not do anything to support the use of so called alternative medicine (SCAM)
So, do the Alties take turns each week who posts the stupidest questions and answers? It seems to be your turn . You "clean your spects" and read my answer again, numbnuts, since you clearly didn't read it. A numerator without a denominator is a meaningnless number. End of story.
PADDY/SKEPCROC/DOUCHEBAG (whatever you are calling yourself this month):
There's a Tea Party somewhere waiting for you and your conspiracy theories. Get a gun, lose a couple teeth, learn to mispronounce some two syllable words and you'll fit right in.
You also seem to be making unsupported assertions that "they underestimated back then, and that is must be worse now."
Clean water and vaccinations are the single biggest health benefits to mankind of the 20th century, both based on the germ theory of science....not on homeopathy or any other nonsense that you spew. The millions estimate is from the WHO and the CDC. Look it up yourself.


No. It's not true according to the Center for Disease Control statistics:

* Heart disease: 631,636
* Cancer: 559,888
* Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 137,119
* Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 124,583
* Accidents (unintentional injuries): 121,599
* Diabetes: 72,449
* Alzheimer's disease: 72,432
* Influenza and Pneumonia: 56,326
* Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 45,344
* Septicemia: 34,234

CDC cause of death statistics - the facts

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