How do I update USB Loader GX for my Wii?

How do I update USB Loader GX for my Wii?
I have a problem with my Wii, my wii is modded, the usb loader gx doesnt work, it says a weird error message. Can you tell me how to update it?


Favorite Answer

It depends. Do you have it installed as a channel, or are you going through the Homebrew Channel to get to it?

If you're going through the Homebrew Channel, you must download the latest version of USB Loader GX. Open your SD card, look in the Apps folder for your USB Loader GX files, and replace them with the latest version.

If you have it installed as a channel, you will need to find a WAD file with the latest version of USB Loader GX. Put the file in the wads folder on your SD card, and use Waninkoko's WAD Installer to install. You'll probably want to delete the old channel first. Don't worry, you'll keep your games on your USB drive.


Usb Loader Gx Update


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That you're facing is a MINOR UPDATE, not a fake one (Nintendo NEVER does "fake" updates)... mostly an update to the Wii Shop channel. Because it's a minor update, USB Loader GX & other components should be OK... as long as you have those up-to-date. (HBC running version 1.1.2, USB Loader GX running 3.0, cIOS 236 / 249 / 250 installed, ect.) The Brick Risk is very low as it's only updating a few IOS & not the entire system. However, if you're paranoid about it, back up your system via BootMii before you update.


it depends on what the update does updates are for various things so if the update is to patch home brew and all of its applications then yes its will i recommend researching the update and what it does before you do
