What can and can't I eat on good friday?

Question says it all :]


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You can eat whatever you want as long as it is received with thankgiving.


Thank God for the FREEDOM that is in Christ Jesus. run. Get to HIM and safety. He said, nothing that enters the mouth and goes into the belly can defile anyone. Glory to God for His glorious truth. Listening to man-made religions is destruction to the soul. All Fridays are good. All Mondays are good. So eat and thank God for the food... or fast and seek the true God and his true religion where every day is alike.

Your Granny2010-04-01T00:42:41Z

If you are Catholic, do not eat beef, pork, poultry, or any processed foods using these meats.

Some traditional meatless meals include tuna noodle casserole, grilled cheese sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, salads, and any number of vegetable dishes, including main dish casseroles.

Cereals are fine, too. Many's the time Granny has had oatmeal or cold cereal for lunch or dinner. By the way, you may use milk without breaking your fast.


If you are a Catholic between the ages of 7 and 59, with no health problems that require you to do otherwise, you may not eat meat, including poultry. You may not eat between meals. You may have one full meal, and two smaller meals which together do not equal the full meal.


I eat what I want everyday.

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