How can we totally humiliate this kid in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL?

Ok there's this boy in my class (im 16 & go to a british school of about 100 or so students)So appearence wise he looks like a total nerd like really big thick glasses huuuge reedd lips & pale we call him fishboy or 'beaver' weird clothes bad hair plays violent videogames etc when I tried to help him and be nice all Id get is a sarcastic ''thank you''he'd avoid me I'd ask why then he'd laugh walk away and behind my back call me a stupid Ginger *****, a tramp, a horrible smelly ***** and that he wants to 'get rid of me forever' hed look me right in the eye and scream at me to get to class even if i wast late & onetime b4 class he was reading a dictionary then i mumbled to myself bored then he slammed the book down, turned his head round, looked me riight in the eye and screamed ''if youre GOING to say something YOU SAY IT IN MY FACE, YOU GET THAT?!'' before he ran up to the locker room and said ''Will you just STOP spying on me?!'' (because I was just talking to a friend in the same cafet as him for 2mins) and ran out.Hed turn his head round and gaze at me hes got the souless lookin lightblue eyes that are just soo creepy lol. I wasn't even looking at him he passed me in the hallway and said in a monotone voice ''Stop staring at me.'' Hes weird on the bus last november hed be writing nazi swatstikas on his arms and showing it to people. Then when we had to watch a movie this guy walked on screen and he was like 'kill him hahaha!'' smiling & frowning at the same time.

Then about a month after that I kinda overheard him at lunch talking about strangling (strangled some kid he didnt like idk)he joked about killing a teacher because he didnt like her class hell have his head in his arms and sulk most of the day sometimes he NEVER SMILES always talks in monotone gives me dirty looks and deathstares giggles at me if I ask whats & my friend were joking about him becoming a serial killer & being on the news so me and my friends were all joking laughing about it at lunch then all a sudden he (we were opposite his table) turned his head round and stared at me for like 10 seconds...creeeepy..hard to imagine he has friends (like 4) on the bus for the trip yesterday I looked at him as he walked past my seat he yelled WHAT THE **** YOU LOOKIN AT?! he fliped on the way back he kept dissing my hair color and my clothes so I looked at him told him to stop then we stopped for 10min he raised his voice the top of his lungs and teachers had to restrain him kinda.on facebook his newest status said ''THE COW, I wish she could just die. >:['' whenever he went mad at me me and my friend laughed he copied my giggle then when we got back he looked real pissed dark rings around his eyes and looking like he wanted to kill me lol.Today he came into the formroom walked passed and mumbled ''piss me off ill knock you out'' lmaoo..he always thinks im looking at him when im not and his eyes are always shifty and creepy at the end of the day he joked to his friend about strangling someone with his hands...We want 2 know any ideas to prank on him to ruin his life 4ever lol...cause he kinda pissed me &my friends off im moving schools in june so idc what he thinks of me afterwards lol!!! were doing the prank in june :)


Favorite Answer

I haven't read all the information you provided but I read your question. Growing up is hard enough as it it, people don't need to be humiliated and bullied on top of the basic challenges they face. I read your first paragraph and it sounds like he has some serious mental problems you may want to talk to your teacher and tell them that you're concerned about him and his well being. Seriously read what you wrote there are so many warning signs in there to depression leading to suicide, abuse I doubt he is that angry for no reason and even if he is he still needs help for that. Yeah someone becoming a serial killer isn't a joke, that isn't funny. How is someone taking other humans lives something that you laugh over? If this kid is taking about killing other people, not showing emotions and not connecting with peers there is something seriously wrong. It sounds like you are a little to obsessed with him and over thinking all of these encounters with him. Yeah judging by what you've said about his personality to make him act the way he is I'm guessing he has already been through a lot in his life and you pulling a prank on him may push him over the edge and cause him to kill him or someone around him. You might want to do some reading on depression, suicide, school shooting. Yeah, he mad you angry so in turn you want to ruin his life forever? Read what you are saying and grow up. Maybe instead of pulling a prank you should tell your teachers that you're worried about this boy. It really seems that he needs help. He doesn't have to find out that you told the teacher you can ask the teacher not to tell. Just really think about what you're doing and put yourself in his situation. Yes he is bullying you but do you want to do the same in return. He needs help and maybe you do too.


you said your 16 correct?
Its not right to try to humiliate him even if you do hate his guts. You have no idea what he goes through on a daily basis. You never know he could have something mentally wrong with him. Im mean if it really gets that bad then just ignore him. Dont even give if the time of day.


First of all, you are bright enough to know that putting peopple down doesn't help anybody. AT ALL. So he's different. So Am I and I'm world famous. Pushing his buttons and seeing how he is going to reaxt so easy to see, as to how it will turn out. His detatment will grow nad he'll want to respond with violence. STOP poking fun! NOW! Ignore him if that makes you feel cool, he'll find somwone who helps him, but you need to stop the ****. Remember, I',m watching you. Don't **** this kis off.


He probably acts like that because he knows what you're saying about him..? Would you want somebody to do that to you? Yeah so, I only clicked on this because of how stupid it looked! I really have to agree with the answers above.. If you want to go do that go ahead, you'll end up being the one humiliated once your parents and friends ("like 4") find out what you did.


Great I want to here an update on how that goes oh yeah then again it will be all over the news when he shoots the whole place up! Never do that columbine anyone?

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