whats the closest whitecastle location to toronto ontario?

i wanna go on a road trip with my friend to go to whitecastle, we live in toronto ontario canada i know whitecastle is just united states but hwats the cloisest one to toronto?

The World Traveler2010-04-04T21:43:47Z

Favorite Answer

Here's the closest one I could find:

2852 Pine Grove Ave.
Port Huron MI, 48060

Across the river from Sarnia, ON. There's more south of it in and around Detroit.

Jim B2010-04-06T14:00:56Z

Buffalo is a lot closer than Port Armpit. But just as scuzzy, and scary.

Are you serious about LIKING whitecastle food/crap ?

Man even Harvey's is better than that junk.

Jim b.


I think it's only in the US:


But I wish there was one in Toronto!