Calculate the potential for the hydrogen electrode...?

Calculate the potential for the hydrogen electrode as a cathode when the concentration of the hydrogen ion is 5M and the partial pressure of the hydrogen gas is .25atm.

I'm kind of struggling with these concepts, and the math of this section is a little confusing, can someone please clear this up for me? I understand how to do the questions when they are at 1M and at STP, but when everything changes... I'm not sure. Please help? Thank you

Kara R2010-04-07T22:33:10Z

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Lemme guess, you have Mr. Alper's class (prob....4th hr). As for the problem, I'm having the same difficulties, but I think I might know what to do.....

Use the Nernst equation for non standard electrode potentials. Just refer to the cited source below if you want more info on that. Also, if you have teh Brady Chem book, check page 921 on standard hydrogen electrodes. That should help you some.