How did America start as a Christian Nation?

I have to do a research paper and this is my topic. I tried google-ing this topic but im just getting websites to how America didn't start as a Christian Nation and how everyone is a fool who is Christian. Its getting old reading this over and over again so i figured i would try asking on here and see if any smart people will answer.
Please don't give me answers as to why America is dumb and how it didn't start as a Christian Nation. I know it did, I just need a website or some books to prove my facts are right for my work sited page. I really need help for this and I'm already behind for this project.
Did you know in bible it says a fool needs to show his option? I think this is why I'm getting any answers. because the people who don't believe America is a Christian Nation have to say their option for all to read and comment on.

Please Help! Thanks (:


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By never starting as one. Unless you consider a Christian majority a Christian nation.

My definition would be that a Christian Nation has Christianity as it official national faith, in America official national faith is prohibited by each the Treaty Tripoli and the Constitution.


Sorry, but the facts don't support your conclusion. Leading Evangelical Tony Campolo puts it nicely into perspective.

“While it is certainly true that the culture of America was highly influenced by Christianity during the Revolution and early national periods, the founders of our nation made it a basic principle that neither Christianity nor any other religion would ever be designated as the official religion of our country. Christian values provided a basis for the high humanistic values that are inherent in our national character, but it is wrong to call America a Christian nation. It can easily be argued that our concept of democracy was derived as much from the philosophies of the Enlightenment as from the Bible. In fact, historians tell us that less than 15 percent of those living here in 1776 were members of any church.” Tony Campolo, Letters to a Young Evangelical (New York: Basic Books, 2007), 220.


Best to find your own answer! 1. Read the founding documents...
Mayflower Compact, Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, US Constitution.

2. Answer the question. What form of Government do we have?
Article 4 Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government

Next you can study what a "Republican form of government" is.
By looking at the first documented republic...which was?
The Hebrew republic

The question about any government is - who makes law?

In order for the US to be a Christian nation you must support the idea that Christ
makes law in the United States and the people agree to follow his rules rather than some one else's

Was that true at the time of Constitution (1789)?
Did we follow the ten commandments?
Is it true today ?

End you study with Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England

How did America start as a Christian nation? By accepting God as the authority of law
and the lawmaker rather than man or groups of men.
So sad that this is no longer true today.
Hope this helps.


You're having difficulty because America did not start as a christian nation. I don't think you're a fool, but you are misguided. The founding fathers were not all christians, nor were they atheists. Some were religious, some were not. Religion was not the focus, nor was it the foundation of the work these men did.

Your best bet would be to go to a library, and get some help from a reference librarian. You may find that what you believe to be true is false, but that doesn't make you unintelligent. Learning to separate fact from fiction makes you smarter.


Well, if it's a research paper, it has to deal in facts (unless it's for a religious school, I guess).

The United States DID NOT start out as a Christian nation, regardless of what some are trying to teach today. You said "I know it did, I just need a website or some books to prove my facts are right for my work sited page.". Sorry, but that is not research - that is creating propaganda. Research, as I said above, is about discovering the FACTS, compiling them and presenting them.

I hope you have an open enough mind to consider my comments.

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