What is a meritocracy and how does it differ from a democracy?
What is a meritocracy? Is there any current examples of a working meritocracy in the world? Is the current government better or worse than a meritocracy and why?
Checks and balances aren't required in a representative democracy. Is there any reason why there couldn't be checks and balances in a meritocracy?
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Meritocracy is a system of a government or other organization wherein appointments are made and responsibilities assigned to individuals based upon demonstrated talent and ability (merit).[1] In a meritocracy, society rewards (via wealth, position, and social status) those who show talent and competence as demonstrated by past actions or by competition. Evaluation systems, such as formal education, are closely linked to notions of meritocracy.
I suppose it would be different from democracy because we select our leaders by using individual opinion, rather then a pre-defined list of educational or experience requirements. I don't know of any governments that use this, but I know of many people or businesses that do. It's kind of a smart person way of saying the best person for the job gets the job in my opinion.
One is promoted based on merits, or reasons as to why they should be, as opposed to elections. Getting a promotion at work is merit-based, your coworkers do not nominate and vote you into a promotion.
There are meritocracies in the world:
Sounds better, BUT only works if those making the choices make good choices, and since these choices are subjective, their decisions are open for debate (since it's a meritocracy, the debate is ignored by those with power, usually).
I wouldn't prefer it because of the potential for corruption, with no checks and balances. It can break down and be as bad as authoritarian governments.
Like the other people said meritocracy is based on giving the people who are expert on a topic the say in what happens. E.g having Greg Chappel choose a cricket team and an economist run the economy.
The Iranian government is not a kind of terrorism, but it has been aledged to support terrorism. I remind everyone that these are all allegations and no proof exists. As far as what happened in 1979, again I remind everyone that around 1940-1950 the US overthrew a democratic Iranian government and installed the Shah, who was a dictator that was not nice to the Iranian people, but he hooked us up with oil. It's not wonder they don't like us much.