Fallacies in Genesis?

1. If God is omnipotent, why does he have to rest?

An all-powerful being would need no rest, right? It would be normal, if not trivial, to create everything.

2. Doesn't God telling Adam to name all the animals seem absurd?

There are millions of species, with most of them being in the ocean (possibly deep) and in far-flung places in the world, so wouldn't naming them be impossible for a normal man like Adam?

3. If God said eating from the Tree of Knowledge would result in death during the SAME DAY, why did Adam live 930 more years?

There's plenty more, but I'll leave it at that.


Favorite Answer

You didn't even get to the good stuff. Such as the fact that it tells us that we live in a dome, outer space is water, and that Adam and Eve had the ability to abstain from doing bad things without knowledge of what bad is. Come on dude, up your game.


Seek and you shall find. Look for error and you will find error. Doubt all you want but if you matter only to the world and not God then you really don't matter do you? Because men of the world don't love you, God does. Think about it.

1. Do you doubt God's Omni-potency and yet you live in His Universe full of His Wonders.
The bible cannot be taken word for word because it is from man's tongue inspired by God. If God did decide to rest best believe it was for Good reason. It would be naive to question a force greater than anything you have ever encountered from the stance of measly flesh and bone. Where is your spirit?

2. Adam was no normal man as you see man. Again you are operating from such a small minded position without considering what you would be like if you and your environment was perfect just like in the Garden of Eden. There was no time limit because Adam was perfect therefor he couldn't die so counting and naming a trillion species for a perfect Human probably could have taken a few minutes.

3. Again you are thinking from a very low frequency of the flesh. Death could mean the end of perfection and everlasting life. Death of the spirit. Or do you consider this limited time spent on this planet "Real" life?

Get it? Hope so but just encase grab yourself the book "Conversations with God" and let it soak in without worldly judgment. Forget what man has taught you and dig out the seed of Love that God has planted in you so that these false assumption don't attack your better consciousness and awareness of Who You Really Are.


Very good questions as there are no questions that are bad or stupid!

I can only answer them based on what I believe ok?

1. God is omnipotent he did not rest because he was tired but as an example for us to follow, he wanted to give mankind a day where they would rest and bask in his Glory. The sabbath or sunday for some of us is a day where we rest and reflect on God.

2. Nope! He gave Adam dominon over every creature and the earth!!!! God's intention was for us mankind to have dominon of the Land. Naming things was a sign of lordship, it gave Adam the responsiblity to care for the anmials and earth as well, (that's why we today name our children as a sign of lordship ovver them to protect them and take responsibility over them). Also remember that although I don't believe in the big bang I do believe there were some sientific evolution so there probably wasn't all the different animals and species there are today it was just the bare minimum that exisited and so he didn't have millions of things to name.

3. The death the Lord was speaking of was spiritual, he intended for man to live forever in complete communion and communication with Him, but he also wanted man to have a choice! So he created the tree of knowledge and he told Adam that if he ate of it he would die. And alas so we do my friend, in the end we are all gonna die, when adam ate of the tree he separated himself and mankind from God! He made the choice, that was food poisioning that lasted for generations!!!! We were forever separated from God until...Jesus he was the last and final sacrifice that bridged the gap so we could live eternally although our bodies have to die beause of adam's choice our spirits will live forever with Christ!!! So it wasn't a physical death, although it was as well as now we do have to physically die :)


First, He had no more work to do anyway, so He set that day as a memorial of His completion, as holiday for the people, to remember when His work was DONE, and the TAME land animals and birds(which were probably few at the time because God urged them to reproduce) were named, and lastly, He did not say death would come directly at that event, Adam was IMMORTAL, the Bible says they (adam and eve) were like ANGELS; innocent, immortal and tireless, God did promise death in 3 ways moral death when your ethics have died by sin, physical death when you die in body, and the 3rd, damnation, so when adam ate the fruit he was cursed with mortality and sin, sorry I ruined your fun.


i have lots of issues with the bible as a whole. but as an answer to #3, it says in the New Testament that one day to God is a thousand years. I can't find the exact verse, but if i do i will message it to you. but I know for certain it is in here!
So, if God said 1 day, He meant 1000 earth years, then Adam dying at 930 would have been just under a day for Him.

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