ive changed, but don't know how to express it?!?

so, i've realized the life im living im not too crazy about. so, i changed the way i thought of things, i've become another person. the problem is i don't know how to express it. like, starting with my friends. i have a lot of friends, but it seems as if they lost my interest and bore me. its hard for them to make me laugh because i've changed. i don't know how to make friends with people who will laugh at the same stuff with me, since summer is almost here. how do i make new friends and loose my old ones?


Favorite Answer

you just have to be yourself throughout the day, similar people will come to you, but might I say, this is all a tad shallow


You don't need to nessicarily loose your old friends just make news one. Its not going to make you look good trying to get rid of your old ones. As for making new friends, go to new places that your interests follow. You'll have to approach people that you see you have more in common with.