Can you roast radishes?

We got radishes at the farmers market and forgot to put them in the salad for dinner. I'm doing roasted asparagus this it OK to roast the radishes with asparagus? I've never done this before, so I just want to make sure that roasted radishes will taste OK.

Thanks in advance!


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i've seen recipes for sauteed i guess roasting them would work--my favorite way to eat radishes is just with a little bit of salt--raw...


My guess is that it will impact the asparagus flavor negatively - radishes can be pretty bitter. But I admit I don't know for sure. If you want to be safe and still roast the radishes - do it in a separate pan.


you'd lose every bit of the crunch (and I'm not sure the taste of radishes would caramelize well) why don't you just make a nice fresh salad, or even just eat them the way they are, cold and crisp. Mmmmmm radishes, I'm going to have to go get some radishes now lol


I'm not sure about roasting, but my fiance likes radishes cut into slices, mixed with the juice of one lime and salt to taste.


Sure you can roast/bake any vegetable.
Just search for roasted radishes or baked radishes because roast and bake are used interchangeably in the food industry.

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