Will hot glue re-melt in a bearded dragon's enclosure?

I just broke a big ornament and want to glue it back together. Can hot glue withstand the high temps in a beardie's cage? Or will it melt in the cage?

I know you can use aquarium sealant, but it takes forever to dry. Plus if I can use what I already have at home rather than buy a tube of sealnt that isn't going to get used, that's always a bonus. I know it's only 7 bucks but every dollar counts for a broke college student. :) If hot glue isn't safe though, I'll get some sealant...he is pretty fond of his hammock and his giant log. :)


Favorite Answer

I would buy a tube of superglue. It was once used in hospitals so it would probably withhold in a beardie's cage and not melt unless under EXTREMELY high temperature. Enjoy!

Hot Melt Manufacturer USA2014-05-18T22:47:51Z

I also did the same thing before few months and eager to know the best solution.


It would have to get DAMN HOT to melt, like you would have to putg the bulb RIGHT ON TOP of it i would think....whatcha makin ? :)