Not allowed to kiss but in a 6 month relationship?
I'm 15 and my boyfriend and I have been "together" for going on 6 months. We both realllyyy like each other too:) but I feel really bad cuz I'm not allowed to kiss
or be kissed. I don't necessarily mind so much but I just feel bad for him. He tells me how mch he has to control himself but I respect him for respecting my parents rules.
I guess what I'm asking is, should I just leave it as is? Ask my parents about it again? Or what?
Also, I think he MIGHT (most likely not) try to kiss me on our 6 month anniversary. But
i don't know. I'm not planning on disobeying my parents but I don't want to hurt his feelngs. What should I do in this situation?
Thanks so much!!!:)
Thank you so much for the one person who answered. Any other inputs anyone??