Am I obligated to buy a present?

My brother's wife and I are due within 3 days of each other. When she found out I was also pregnant, she got increadibly angry with me, hurtful emails went back and forth from both sides, and we haven't spoken since December (we were the best of friends before all of this). My brother naturally is siding with his wife and I haven't spoken to him since January. I recently found out that I was not invited to their baby shower nor was I invited to my brother's birthday celebration a couple of days ago. Do I buy them a shower gift or a gift after the baby is born or do I just not even bother?

Jenna H2010-04-19T23:58:38Z

Favorite Answer

jesus christ who gets mad at someone else for being pregnant. thats the stupidest things ive ever heard. your brother and his wife are acting like children, its a shame that such children will soon be parents.

send them a nice shower gift for the baby. at least that poor baby will have a nice auntie around even if his/her parents wont grow up. plus this way youre being the adult and at least making an attempt to stop the arguments.

seriously though, do they think that you planned to be pregnant the same time as them? if youre duedate is 3 days apart they were conceived around the same time. its not like you found out she was pregnant then got pregnant just to steal her thunder. my god what a piece of work. youd think a best friend wouldve been happy for you.


If you get a gift, make it for the baby. It is not his/her fault the adults are acting like babies themselves.