What do you think of Bin Laden and 2012?

"There is a notable eleven year cycle in Osama bin Laden's life that begins at 11,
when his father dies in 1968. This is the age that Osama "turned to God."

Eleven years later, in 1979, when Osama is 22, Russia invades Afghanistan. Osama
says, "I was enraged and went there at once." Another eleven years later, in 1990,
when Osama is 33, Iraq invades Kuwait, and American forces land in Saudi Arabia.
Again Osama was infuriated, he forms al-Qaeda, and says that Americans troops were
now "in our most holy lands." Another eleven years later, in 2001, when Osama is 44,
Osama's organization attacks America in New York and Washington.

The four life changing events in Osama bin Laden's life occur in an 11-year cycle
beginning at 11 and continuing every 11 years. Osama's defining moments occur
when he is 11, 22, 33, and 44."
according to: http://www.september11news.com/Mysteries2.htm

According to this.. the next attack may be in 2012.
Scary coincidence?


Favorite Answer

Or his DEATH/CAPTURE might be in 2012. That would be a "defining moment" in his life, not to mention a hell of a lot more likely than another Al Qaeda plan ever being successful again.