Every single yugioh player please rate/fix my psychic deck.?

iwant to know if my yugioh deck is ready for a tournament
tell me what cards to add or take out...DONT FORGET TO RATE


hyper psychic blaster
thought ruler archfiend
magical android
psychic lifetrancer


krebons x2
psychic comander x2
doctor cranium x2
mind protector x2
psychic snail x2
genetic woman
psychic jumper x2
armored axon kicker x2
psychic emperor
master gig
telekinetic shocker x2
reinforced human psychic borg x2
mind master
overdrive teleporter x2
hyper psychic blaster/assualt mode


swords of revealing light
mystical space typhoon
psychic path
heavy storm
lightning vortex
brain control


psi-curse x2
dimensional prison
mind over matter x2
metaphysical regeneration
psychic reguvenation
telepathic power x3
psychic overload
compulsory evacuation device
defense draw
karma cut

hope you can help


Favorite Answer

Okay deck. I'd give it a 5/10. Try making these changes:

-1 Swords
-1 Psychic Path
-1 LV
-1 Psi-Station
-1 Psi-Impulse
-2 Psi-Curse
-1 D Prison
-1 M Regeneration
-1 Swords
-3 Telepathic Power
-1 Genetic Woman
-1 Armored Axon Kicker
-1 CED
-1 Defense Draw
-1 Mind Protector
-1 Karma Cut
-2 Telekinetic Shocker
+1 Mirror Force
+1 Emergency Teleport
+2 Bottomless Trap Hole
+1 Torrential Tribute
+1 Solemn Judgment
+2 Psychic Overload
+1 Mind Over Matter
+2 Smashing Ground
+1 Teleport

I'm not sure if Psychics can every be tournament-ready, but I guess it's worth a try. I hope this helps!

Crystal Warriors2010-04-22T23:53:29Z

8.5/10 very good deck so far you have all the psychic synchros.

1+ Master Gig
1x Emergency Teleport(good for krebons)
1+ Mind Over Matter(like a solemn best to have 3)

Hope that helps =]


from 1-10 i give it an 8 its a great deck thats not just random but watch out for zombies