Anyone see this yet???????

Just found this artical disturbing thought I'd get other thoughts on it.


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Several things really tick me off about this...First of all, she would never go thru pregnancy because she can't do that to her body. What makes her think she is any better than any other woman who wishes to be a mother? Why should some other woman ruin her body so she can have a child....GGRRR

But the worst is this line "Also, when you rescue something, it's like rescuing a part of yourself" Note that she said rescue someTHING. Is she going to adopt a puppy? So now adopted children are THINGS to be rescued.

And for one second does anyone believe she is going to adopt a child in foster care who actually needs a home??? Nope she will either buy herself a womb wet healthy white newborn or trot off to Africa (or some other poverty stricken area) so she can get loads of free publicity for herself.

Then this child will get to live the rest of his/her life being so grateful that they were "rescued"

Ok excuse me while I go puke

Carol c2010-04-23T15:37:41Z

I agree it's disturbing and a disgusting message to give to women; but I would think anyone who had been obese even in their past, has a few self-esteem issues that never go away.

One who has been addicted to food, drink, drugs etc. even in recovery often transfers that addictive, obsessive personality to other things. I've seen this kind of thing time and time again- she is now so addicted to her new body image that she cannot even imagine risking being fat again.

Sad, isn't it?


Ignorance and adoption cool aid at its best. My guess is she has never really researched adoption and knows jack squat about it. I can see her whining about how long it takes to adopt a healthy infant because an older child just wont do!

"Why aren't more women willing to ruin their bodies so that others can have children?!"

Yeah, she is famous so she'll most likely get a child. How sad...


Here's what I thought was really funny...the article says: "However, another expert points out that, unlike most women, Michaels depends on being in extraordinary physical shape for her career. Beverly Hills psychologist Dr. Haleh Stahl told Fox News: "I think it's different for a person who doesn't rely on the shape of their body for their livelihood. This is what she's known for, and she's in the business of inspiring others to get in shape."

If your looking at it that way wouldn't it do better for her livelihood to have a baby...stay healthy during pregnancy and debut a toned, fit body right after?? Look at Heidi Klum (who was on the catwalk in a bra and panties after just 2 months!) or Alessandra Ambrosio [another model] (who took a whole 3 months to get a rock hard stomach back) Now those ladies are impressive! Its WAY more impressive to get pregnant and come back fit then to just stay fit...great for business as far as she's concerned.

It sounds more like she's talking about a animal shelter than human beings....she's going to rescue them..."

This is not going to affect adoption or pregnancy rates...just her rates as she looks pretty ignorant as she tries to become the next Oprah. Good luck've already pissed off half the moms in America, who will watch you now??


Apparently exercise leads to needing an exorcism

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