Would this be considered OCD?

For my entire life I have basically been a complete perfectionist with many things I do. Not because I want to, but I feel like I have to. If I don't I actually get angry or depressed about it until it is fixed. Not for big things either. For example whenever I am at a library at school, or anyplace, It annoys the living hell out of me if the books are not ordered right or are not aligned. If it isn't, then it just tears at me mentally until I either do something about it, or until I force myself to walk away and take my mind off it. It is only for small issues that don't make a difference, I am not like this for nothing big at all. Would this be considered OCD? I never have mentioned it to my parents or a doctor, so I am not entirely sure and I am just asking for some opinions on what you think.

ASK AWAY2010-04-25T01:05:03Z

Favorite Answer

I think it can be a moderate OCD with a touch of annoyance because its not like your obsess with fixing the scattered books in the library, the un-organization just annoys the heck out it. A true OCD person would actually fix all the books rather walk away from it.


i discover myself doing that many times. no longer extremely to the quantity which you're speaking approximately, yet I actual understand what you recommend.I agree w/ the 2d guy or woman who spoke back your question; it would purely be a peculiar and wonderful habit. i do no longer think of i'm ocd, yet i'm no longer a lot of a perfectionist the two. you're perfect, heading off those issues is lots simpler whilst i'm thoroughly distracted. I used to do it a lot greater, yet now it quite is purely each now and back, yet i'm no longer worried some ingredient. So what while you're slightly obsessive compulsive? all of us tension approximately something, and the flaws you and that i tension approximately ensue to be... nicely... unique. you already know how whilst some people are not paying interest they start twisting their hair, or something like that? weird and wonderful habit, too in case you question me. in case you nonetheless are not particular, or it purely bothers you, see a doctor for your self. in case you do ensue to be (unlikey), then there are extremely some OCD's, huh?


Once I saw that that fact you feel you "have to" do it proved to me you do indeed have OCD.
If it's becoming an inconvenience in your life, seek therapy.
Don't be ashamed of it, because it's more embarrassing having signs of OCD for the rest of your life.
OCD tends to get worse as you get older since you start dealing with more stress as an adult.
So seek some help and hopefully you can be able to recover!