Only The Regulars In Yahoo Answers To Answer This Question?

Hi there Guys and Gals. I am finding that we are getting more ridiculous questions asked than ever before. Give me the most stupid question you have seen on Yahoo Answers. Here's one of mine. "Is Miami a country? I can't the answer anywhere. 10 points for the correct answer. Please." I love the ones that say that. 10points for the best answer. Geezz.

Anyway, let's see some of your answers. And Oh Yeh, 10 points for the best. Good Lordy

Regards to you all.


Favorite Answer

Yes there are many ridiculous answers and questions. The one I thought was the most stupid was how to become a vampire like Edward.

You should join Tie Busters and help make sure the best answers get picked. Although sometimes the best answer is really NO BEST ANSWER.


I can't think of a particular one, but I see "hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" a lot.

Also, I'm annoyed by the people who want us to edit/correct a 500 word essay.


I remember one that asked where to buy lukewarm water. some product said to mix with lukewarm water and they didn't know where to get it. Also, I'm getting really sick of the one How many licks to get to the center of a tootsie roll? what's up with that?