Is my marriage recognized in the Catholic church?

was married in a baptist church but, never joined the church. Years later the husband joins and is baptized in the catholic church...Only the husband is catholic.. does the catholic church recognize the marriage. just looking for a simple answer... yes or no...


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The Church assumes that any marriage freely entered into by one baptized Christian man and one baptized Christian woman is valid, assuming there were no other impediments to marriage (i.e., one of them already married to somebody else).

I'm not very clear from your message whether or not you were both baptized Christians at the time of your marriage.


No. Your husband is now Catholic, but your union in the sight of God is not recognized as a valid sacramental union. Join the Church along with your husband. A wise choice for your soul. Learn and submit to traditional Catholic Catechism, and be baptized into the true Faith. Go to confession, then marry your husband again as a Catholic. God bless.

sebastian c2010-04-27T17:35:30Z

If you were both baptized Christians at the time of you marriage then it would recognized.


yes. You were married in a Christian church, so the marriage is considered valid by the Catholic Church.

What this means is that if you and your husband get divorced, he would have to have to get an annulment before he could marry again.


no you were not married in the catholic church. It can be recognized if only one is Catholic if you are wed in the church

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