Do you think adults should be required to take a refresher course on driver's education?

I was just wondering with all the unsafe driving I observe driving to and from work every day if it might help to reduce a lot of the unsafe driving that leads to accidents? For example, I am usually afraid to turn right at intersection when there is oncoming traffic even if my lane is clear because of the fear that a driver in the oncoming left lane is going to change lanes in the intersection and hit me. Changing lanes in an intersection in my state is illegal,but a lot of people don't seem to realize this or care. I don't think most people would support a law requiring adults to go back to a classroom setting and listen to lectures once a week. What if the DMV created some kind of online test that adult drivers could take once every few years at their convenience to re-learn the basic rules of safe driving? A study guide could be sent out by mail with a deadline to take an online test. Even if the test taker cheats on the test and looks up the answers while taking the test, the test taker is still forced to re-read many of the rules he or she may have forgotten years ago. I know adults can choose to take driver's education courses again to reduce their insurance rates but of course there is no law requiring that we all do it. To me it seems like you shouldn't have to learn the rules of safe driving only once in your life considering the human brain does forget things over time. What do you think?

Firecracker .2010-04-27T19:32:27Z

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I never took Driver's Ed in the first place. I learned the old fashioned way - supervised by my parents, not some guy collecting a check. Most accidents that I avoid are the younger drivers. The ones who completed Driver's Ed and squeaked by and got licensed. One thing that youngsters like you seem to forget - how easy kids forget what they studied as soon as they pass any test.

"To me it seems like you shouldn't have to learn the rules of safe driving only once in your life considering the human brain does forget things over time. What do you think?"

I agree and believe all road users (not just car drivers) should keep current.
I know most of these well enough to quote without reference, and I ride/drive by them:
Yes, all those chapters - because the Rules of the Road one does not contain all the laws.
I was surprised by the inclusion of enclosed three wheel scooters in the definition of motorcycle when I noticed that change.

I also think it's a crime that the police don't even know the laws that they will ticket or arrest you for. Many is the time I've heard an officer give bad information - and believe it himself.

Dimo J2010-04-27T09:58:13Z

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that people are breaking driving rules because they do not *know* the rules. Silly you!

People know the rules, they just don't care. You need to understand that *nothing* is illegal if you do not get caught. Making people take refresher courses is a good idea if you will be making money on giving the courses -- otherwise it is a dumb idea. Will not change *anything*.

Not to mention that in most places adults *are* sort of required to take a "refresher course" -- to wipe the record when they *do* get caught and get a traffic citation.


You have some interesting points. seasoned drivers may make some bad moves, but not nearly as many as the new know-it-all. #1 You don't pull out in front of someone assuming that he isn't changing lanes, legal or not you're going to get hit . Also if a person has his signal on to turn, all you know for sure is that its working. he may not be turning, so you cant pull out in-front of him. # 2, Why do you think young drivers pay higher insurance rates ?... Your last statement, Yes we oldies do forget....But it took years of experience to learn the things we forgot.

0NE TRlCK P0NY2010-04-27T08:35:21Z

Some driving professions require retesting every once in a while. I drive school bus and we must retest every 5 years. I have no problem with that.
And in my 40+ years of driving I have taken numerous courses to upgrade my driving skills and keep myself 'sharp'.



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