What should I price these guppy fry?

In the next couple days I should be receiving a trio of Japanese blue swordtail guppies. I'm not exactly sure how much I want to sell their fry for though. The trio cost me $20 but I don't know if I want to sell them for the same price. Any suggestions?



I think I'll have $10 for a trio, $1.50 - $2 for females, and $2 - $5 for males. Or maybe just $4 each and $10 for a trio.


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They are worth maybe $3-$6 each. Fry are pretty much of little value and those prices are based on the sub adults or adults.

K Cali222010-04-28T15:48:06Z

I would say $3 to $4 each, and then people can buy a couple. Think about it, they do best in schools of three to six, to that's $9-24 with one buyer. Good luck, they are very handsome.


WOW,they are gorgeous.I would price them half of the price they would cost in a store.

Here are some websites with their prices: http://www.thatpetplace.com/pet/prod/247749/product.web


You can also call the fishstore and ask how much they would cost you to buy or order them.(you don't need to let them know you have them to sell before you ask about their average price).

Good luck!


specific, you could, as long as you do not feed lots for all time, and additionally feed end result and greens ^-^ and that i dis-accept as true with the consumer who pronounced turtles can not consume stay fish. What do you think of they consume interior the wild? i don't think of all of us chefs fish for them accessible.


$8$ you have real pretty fish :)