1997 Chrysler Sebring JXi convertible sensor issues.?

I just recently bought a 1997 Chrysler Sebring convertible. The lady I bought it from said she parked it due to the fact that it wouldnt pass inspections since it needed an O2 sensor. We bought the car at a deal. We have replaced the thermostat, as we can see that is the only major issue, since the car was trying to over heat. My question is this, since their is NO check engine light on, will I have any problems getting this car inspected in North Carolina. I know usually when the 02 sensors go out it triggers the check engine light to come on. As I say their is no light on and i know it works cause when you turn the key to start the engine the check engine light does light up.

The Eagle Keeper2010-04-28T16:10:45Z

Favorite Answer

That's good, for now. Considering the age of the car & the fact it will surely light up on the day of inspection, I would double check them. They are easy to remove, but not necessarily easy to get at. You can buy for about $10 a O2 sensor socket at the parts store.


1997 Chrysler Sebring Convertible Problems

rick b2010-04-28T23:28:02Z

Well it sound like the thermostat was the fix to your problem.But you will also need to start and stop with about 50 + miles of driving, this will reset your emission monitors. DO NOT disconnect your battery, even though this is some kind of fix all that a lot of people THINIK will some how clear codes and reset everything this is not correct. You disconnect the battery your emission monitor will kick and cause you to fail your emission scan test until you have started and stop the car along with over 50 miles of driving. And Auto zone can not reset your monitors just by clearing codes
And as you turn on the car and the light does come on and then goes off, that is just a self check


No difference between the 97 and 98, the 99 and 00 just has some cosmetic changes, very minor, the front grill is different. I have a 1998 Sebring, just got it, and I love it, just what I always wanted.


disconnect battery for a few hours to clear old codes or go to auto zone they will clear all codes for free if a real problem exists it will get stored after driving for awhile