SWAT Teams being sent to oil rigs?

I just heard Obama on the radio saying the government is sending "SWAT Teams" to all Gulf Coast oil rigs. Is he planing on seizing them like his Chavez did in Venezuela?


I actually heard the clip on a local radio station, he said "Interior Department SWAT Teams", if he meant something different he should have used another term, maybe he was just trying to be cool and doesn't know what SWAT stands for.


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I think Eric makes a good point. Obama my have made a Freudian slip I am not saying he did but may have so Liberals don't get your man panties in a wad.

Edit: JW B SWAT means Special Weapons and Tactics. What would inspectors need with special weapons or special tactics?

So before you go blaming Rush maybe you should stop and think about why they chose to use the word SWAT in the first palce.


I went back and listened. What he said is that they are sending SWAT teams to inspect the oil rigs. Not SWAT teams of inspectors. I was more surprised when Janet Napalitano said she did not know the military could help in an oil spill. She should have called me.



"Swat teams" of inspectors...not armed police. JEEZ./...

"The Interior Department said it has assembled a "SWAT team" of inspectors to review safety at offshore drilling rigs."


But Rush just runs right with it and his followers do too

" Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't hear this myself, but I have been informed that President Obama is sending SWAT teams to the Gulf oil rigs. SWAT teams? I'm waiting on audio sound bite confirmation of this, but why in the world would you send SWAT teams to Gulf oil rigs?"



They need to clarify this. Is SWAT figurative or literal?


"He (Napolitano) also said the Interior Department is sending SWAT teams to the Gulf to inspect all platforms and rigs."

"Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster. " - CBSNEWS.com


They are not real Special Weapons And Tactics teams and even if they were it would be good training for a possible attack on our countrys energy resources.

Also with all the people fretting about "Government Takeover" of oil rigs and the oil industry like Chavez did..What is REALLY so wrong with that?

Are you on the board of directors of a large Oil company? (No you're on Yahoo answers and THEY are on a yacht or in Vegas or a beach in freaking tahiti for the weekend.)

What is with all the teabaggers "Rah Rahing" big industry? Big industry,ANY big industry has ONE goal and that is the profit margin they don't give a damn about you individually. The government has a vested interest in your welfare their bottom line is productivity/population = Taxes.
So I apologize but I would not shed a tear that the Multi-millionaires only makes 50 million a year instead of 200 million.

Sure limited government is the ideal (I don't like them dictating how much salt to put on my fries) but big industry has and IS crippling our society for the sake of profit and sheer freaking greed. Enron anyone? Madoff? Bear Stearns AIG THESE are the entities you teabaggers are defending!
Yes PLEASE charge me exorbitant rates for health care and if I develop an illness kick me off my plan I have been paying 20 years to be in!

Wake UP get the bags out of your eyes and look around!

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