Entering Mexico Illegally Is a Felony. Ain't It Funny?

Entering Mexico illegally is a felony, punishable with two years in prison. All police and military are authorized to check the status of suspected foreigners. Mexican citizens have the power of citizens' arrest to detain illegal aliens.

I think it is HILARIOUS that the Mexican President is complaining about the new Arizona law. Shouldn't the U.S. and Mexico treat aliens entering illegally the same?

betty boop2010-04-29T17:55:40Z

Favorite Answer

He is just upset because soon the monies the illegals are sending over to Mexico will no longer be and he will miss out on his cut


The first offense is deportation back to your home country. The second offense carries the 2 year prison bid.

The U.S. and many other countries have similar laws


Well, there are so many people fleeing to Mexico that they have to be a bit harsh.
Just Kidding.
I once heard that the Mexican Government gave money to Illegals.
Illegals=Jobs in America=Money sent back to Mexico=More Taxes!


Mexico has tough immigration laws b/c most illegals are drug runners associated with violent gangs in the country.


The only people who want to enter Mexico illegally are drug runners from the US.

It's also illegal here, genius.

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