Does Arizona's new revision to the Immigration law make you more comfortable?

I haven't had time to read the text of the revision yet, but according to the headlines it stipulates that the LE Officers must already have stopped or detained the suspect for some other matter, alleviating the question of "lawful contact" and the random stopping of civilians. If it turns out that has been resolved, I will be in support of the law. Will that do it for you?

Stevie N2010-04-30T20:15:20Z

Favorite Answer

God Bless Arizona. I hope Texas follows suit and doesn't puss out. I think Governor Perry is hoping for the mexican vote so we are doomed.


If you're "white", here legally or illegally, then you're good. You have nothing to fear. You won't be stopped. If, however, you are a Hispanic/Latino/a here legally (like myself) we're screwed. If I happen to be walking down the street and accidentally drop a napkin, I can be detained for littering and will have to undergo all sorts of humiliating sh** until they figure out that I am a 2nd generation US born Latina of Puerto Rican (which has been a US territory for over 100 years) descent. This law does not violate the rights of illegal immigrants, but the rights of those of us who are here legally. Thinly veiled excuse for racial profiling.

Evil Dr. Phil2010-05-01T03:20:42Z

It does actually because most states must simply let someone go if they determine them to be illigal immigrants. It's a step in the right direction but I won't feel comfortable until we start prosecuting them for breaking our laws and we start putting landmines into the border...


Just fluffing the Libs...

That revision won't hinder the job that needs to be done...

I bought a case of Arizona Ice Tea!!!

betotron don2010-05-01T03:48:49Z


finally the people are showing themselves

mr O vs the people of the UNITED STATES

I am betting on the people

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