Coronado PST,and my eyes?

I got a Coronado PST - Personal Solar Telescope 1A Bandwidth about 5 weeks ago and use it every day I can 1-4 times a week.My question is is the Sum been more active in the last couple days or am I beginning to see H-Alpha better?To me things have picked up allot on and around our Sun allot.


There's a definite learning curve with the PST. I found that I couldn't see much when I first got it, but after a few weeks, my eyes got used to teasing out the detail. The first thing I started to notice was the granulation on the Sun's disk. Then I started to see the prominences around the Sun's edge. The Sun was pretty quiet today: a couple of possible flares on the disk and four very small prominences on the right limb. Most PSTs have a fairly small "sweet spot," so you need to scan around the Sun's limb carefully to spot the prominences. I find that a 12mm Plössl eyepiece works best.