I wana find out for my studys any website would really help, what was his best speech when John F.Kenedy was president.Tyring to find out if he was Liberal or democrat or repuclican?Thanks in advance.


Thanks you guys and gals have excellent answers thanks to those you provide the websites,everyone gave me some great responses in paragraph.


Favorite Answer

He was a very strong Democrat however he would not be consider one today.
He was very thoughtful in what he wanted from and for the role of the government that in to days standings he would be consider a Republican.
He spoke of the people doing what ever they could to help the government and not saying that the government would take care of you.
That is why his speech was and still is one of the best.
"Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country."




Democratic from Massachusetts as were his 2 brothers, bobby and Teddy. His inauguration speech was considered one of his best!

Clatty Mary2010-05-05T10:04:27Z

JFK was a Conservative Democrat.

He was of course very outspoken and his brother 'Bobby' was equally so.
A very good orator and a thorn in the side of many a traitor.
His finest speech by a very long way begins.....

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant....

More of this here: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=1710662559138481080#

I encourage you to listen to it first and not view the picture show on the video in front of you as the words speak for themselves. Its a rushed job with this video as you can see, but I wanted to get it up as soon as possible. This speech applies to so much going on today, you will understand why "they" had him killed.

Missed,..but not forgotten.

just me2010-05-05T17:43:09Z

I'm sure he was democrat because my father was republican and didn't have a nice thing to say about him.

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