Is it possible to prosecute the 14 yr old who slipped my daughter ecstasy?

My 14 yr old was nearly killed, after being slipped the drug "ecstasy" in her soda. Her 14 yr old "friend" is the only suspect. My daughter wasn't with anyone else and blood tests point to the day the drug was ingested (as it is usually only in the body 24-72 hours). My daughter's reaction to learning she tested positive, indicate she is telling the truth. She had no idea she took this and it was absolutely against her will. She has been interviewed by doctors and psychiatrists, as well as 3 mental health counselors. As her mom, I had to look objectively at the circumstances and although I don't want to think she was experimenting, I had to consider the possibility. I am convinced she never chose this.
I have filed a police report, but they're waiting to interview my daughter in person. She's being released today, after a 5 day hospitalization.
The drug caused memory loss, seizures, mania, a suicide attempt (after "crashing") and she was ultimately given anti-psychotic medication at the ER. She has fully recovered and does not seem addicted. With her medical condition (major depression/anxiety), this was one of the worst things she could have had in her system.
I'm wondering if we will have enough evidence with hospital records and testimony from my daughter and my family to prosecute the girl who did this to her. If she'll poison her best friend, she's clearly a danger to anyone. I don't want anyone else to be victimized by her. We live in Michigan.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Meanwhile, I'm filing for PPO for my daughter.
Thank you!!!


I should add - NOTHING else was in my daughter's blood test or urinalysis. No marijuana, no nothing. She has never used drugs and has never tested positive for anything. I have years of her medical records and she's been routinely drug tested since her treatment for depression began last year. I signed for the police to have access to all of them.
You and I know, if a kid was experimenting w ecstasy, there would be pot or something else showing up with a positive result. No 14 yr old just takes ecstasy by itself.
None of her meds would have given these results either, by the way.


No alcohol was involved. And with her condition, it is ABSOLUTELY possible she could have become addicted. We were looking at possible drug rehab for her.
She has major depression (which is stabilized) and ecstasy stops all production of serotonin. Research what it can do chemically.


When my daughter woke up in the hospital and was told she tested, she was sobbing and begging to know when it would leave her body. She was so scared. If she would have known, she'd be protecting her best friend.
Instead, she begged me to call her school so this girl couldn't hurt anyone else. She kept asking why someone would do this to her. It was one of the scariest things I've ever seen. It took 3 adults (1 police officer) to save her when she was attempting suicide on Monday. Thank God we reached her in time!!!


Favorite Answer

This question is pretty ridiculous and proves just how naive and clueless parents really are...

You really think someone could slip a WHOLE pill into someone soda and them not notice a thing??! The pills are a decent amount of powder and if it was dropped into soda... it would sink to the bottom. It also is very bitter/ chemical taste and another thing is that you would DEFINITELY notice the powder in your mouth, when you swallow. Trust me, try crushing up a med and drop it in a cup of water and tell me that you don't notice a difference.

You're daughter was obviously experimenting... 14 - 15 is when it usually starts. And how do you even know for sure it was mdma (ecstasy) Could have been meth.. they don't have tests for just E, it shows up as amphetamines. And where do you get that you only take E when you smoke pot?? This is ridiculous, like saying you only eat cheese if it's on pizza. Many people take E by itself, just like any other drug.

Most likely this is what happened... Your daughter heard about E and was curious. She took it (with all her meds in her system) this had a very adverse affect which caused seizures.. I mean, if you take E alone, it is very rare to have a seizure, or any of those things you listed. She didn't know what to do because she realized it all was a bad idea when she started reacting weirdly to the drug. She freaked out had a seizure. She woke up, didn't want you to know that she had done drugs so she blamed it all on her friend.

Another thing.. you really think that a terrible experience like that would cause addiction??! Do you even know how people get addicted to drugs? I'm beginning to doubt that you're really even a mom or that this question is legitimate.

and then the part about "ecstasy stops all production of serotonin. Research what it can do chemically." Uhh.. no it actually just releases all the serotonin, it has nothing to do with "stopping all production" where are you getting your information?
And, there's nothing you could tell me about E that I wouldn't know.

I suggest you get your facts straight mdma before you say ridiculous things...
check out

Have a nice day, and I hope you consider my answer, because to be honest, too many parents are so clueless as to what's really going on in their kids life.
Like look at me, my dad has no idea of anything.

Mr Placid2010-05-07T08:37:37Z

This will be the local prosecutor's decision. And, he will decide only after reviewing all the police reports and interviews. If it appears he cannot prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that this other 14 year old was the one that committed the crime, then there will be no prosecution.

As an aside, a single dose of ecstasy will not cause permanent damage to serotonin production. A single dose will not cause addiction. Problems arise with regular repeated use of ecstasy, but isolated ingestion does not cause any long-term permanent side effects. This is clear from reviewing all of the credible research.

And, it is very common to take Ecstasy alone, without other drugs. There are many teenagers who have taken ecstasy without concurrently taking marijuana, or other drugs.


No, unfortunately. Without evidence that the individual drugged your daughter there can be no prosecution.
And yes, 14 y.o. kids do take drugs by themselves because they don't have $ for others. Just saying.
Basically, you don't even have a real witness since you daughter obviously didn't see the individual drug her cup.
All the hospital records show is that your daughter had drugs in her system, not who got them there. In fact as far as that goes, physical evidence shows it more likely that your daughter took the drugs since she actually had them in her (not saying she did, I'm just pointing out what it looks like).
Yes, thank God for police officers.

I'd recommend making sure your daughter's friends from now on are good kids who will look out for her.


The first time i did ex was in 1988 and I was 24 years old. It was pretty fun at first but the second time I took it I vomited so i never took it again. I never was a druggie type so I never got hooked on anything...this was in my single clubbing days when 75% of the dance club was on EX.

To answer your question, call a lawyer to get the facts before you do anything.


It is not up to you to prosecute anyone. The police will need a confession from the other girl to make this case. Otherwise they have nothing but an overdose.

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